Quick view SWAMP COOLER - Gold Label... Home €18.90 Swamp Cooler is a versatile shade that complements a myriad of tattoo styles. Whether you're creating intricate nature scenes, tribal designs, or...
Quick view DENTAL FLOSS - Gold Label... Home €18.90 DENTAL FLOSS TATTOO INK Color: M uted aqua blue Usage: You better floss because one thing more painful than getting a tattoo is...
Quick view HEAVY FLOW - Gold Label... Home €18.90 HEAVY FLOW TATTOO INK Color: Muted red with brown undertones Usage: This muted red tattoo ink with brown undertones is like a less...
Quick view ORANGE MAN - Gold Label... Home €18.90 ORANGE MAN TATTOO INK Color: B right orange Usage: Does Orange Man refer to anyone in particular? We will just say it refers to a...
Quick view SWAMP THING - Gold Label... Home €18.90 Swamp Thing is like a mischievous forest spirit, a creature of the night that emerges from the depths of your tattoo needle. This muted green, like...
Quick view TELLY - Gold Label Tattoo Ink Home €18.90 TELLY TATTOO INK Color: W ine red Usage: Telly is now REACH Compliant! Get fuzzy and a little neurotic with Telly, our wine red...
Quick view THE JUICE - Gold Label... Home €18.90 - Color: Orange - Usage: Táto farba je vhodná na použitie do kože. - V súlade s EU REACH
Quick view SPACE HOG - Gold Label... Home €18.90 SPACE HOG TATTOO INK Color: P astel turquoise blue with gray and brown undertones Usage: This pastel turquoise blue tattoo ink with...
Quick view MENSES - Gold Label Tattoo Ink Home €18.90 Capture the essence of old-school rebellion with a color that pays homage to the classics, but with a badass twist. Menses is like nostalgia...
Quick view KUMQUAT MARMALADE - Gold... Home €18.90 - Color: Orange - Usage: Táto farba je vhodná na použitie do kože. - V súlade s EU REACH
Quick view JUICE ME - Gold Label... Home €18.90 - Color: Green - Usage: Táto farba je vhodná na použitie do kože. - V súlade s EU REACH
Quick view MINTY FRESH - Gold Label... Home €18.90 MINTY FRESH TATTOO INK Color: B right green with a slight blue undertone Usage: Minty Fresh is now REACH Compliant! As cool as a...
Quick view ROCK LOBSTER - Gold Label... Home €18.90 - Farba: Red - Použiie: Táto farba je vhodná na použitie do kože. - V súlade s EU REACH
Quick view HI PAPI - Gold Label Tattoo... Home €18.90 - Color: Red - Usage: Táto farba je vhodná na použitie do kože. - V súlade s EU REACH
Quick view ABSINTHE - Gold Label... Home €18.90 ABSINTHE TATTOO INK Color: P astel green Usage: Absinthe is now REACH Compliant! Chase the green fairy without taking a drink with...
Quick view CHERRY PIE - Gold Label... Home €18.90 - Color: Red - Usage: Táto farba je vhodná na použitie do kože. - V súlade s EU REACH
Quick view MOUNTAIN DOO - Gold Label... Home €18.90 MOUNTAIN DOO TATTOO INK Color: True lime green with a yellow undertone Usage: Mountain Doo now has 0 sugar and 0 caffeine because...
Quick view PICKLE JUICE - Gold Label... Home €18.90 - Color: Green - Usage: Táto farba je vhodná na použitie do kože. - V súlade s EU REACH
Quick view FIRESTARTER - Gold Label... Home €18.90 FIRESTARTER TATTOO INK Color: B right red with orange undertones Usage: The sirens are wailing for FireStarter. It is a bright red...